
Nicole is a 34-years old lesbian woman living in Windhoek. She realized quite early that she had a special interest in other women.

From childhood, I always had weird feelings for girls I couldn’t understand.

Nicole cannot recall any person that gave her strength when she noticed that she did not fit into the heteronormative expectations of society.

I was my own strength. In my olden days, our elders didn’t really wanna talk about certain topics or behaviour. I just existed or should I say; I just appeared to live everday as it came.

Her family accepted her sexuality or at least never confronted her with it. With her friends she experienced some difficulties but which did not end the friendships.

My friends were really not judgmental and didn’t make me feel awkward. Some were not okay, felt uneasy but they didn’t stop talking to me. We are still good.

Nicole is living openly queer and experienced bad but no threatening reactions in public. Nevertheless, some people seem to be unable to understand why she is a lesbian.

Some people may say that I would need a man to do me good or perhaps I was disappointed by a man that I chose to be gay.

For five years, Nicole has been living in a relationship. When she introduced her partner to her family, the first reaction was a compliment to her partner’s beauty. They show their love to each other in public as well but do not always feel comfortable.

I don’t hide who I am when I am in the public. My partner and I will kiss or hold hands. It’s who we are and what we feel regardless the atmosphere.

Nicole is an artist and includes queer topics in her works.

Christianity and her sexuality do not conflict each other. Although she feels like there might be some misunderstanding about homosexuality at her church, Nicole emphasizes being happy with her church and that at the end of the day they do respect you no matter what.

For the future Nicole wishes to be completley respected as a LGBTQIA+ person and to gain more rights.

Our race as LGBTIQ is not over and done until we have gain our rights as Namibian citizens.

If you want to support Nicole’s art work you can reach her under +264 814211722